More application goodness!

This is one of the lost post dated sometime in early september which i had recently fished out on my thumb drive but it has a few bit of useful information so i decided to publish it after all.

After getting my new MSI Wind from the Comex’08, I found couple of useful applications while browsing through Cnet. They are Desktop ICalender and Personal Finances; a planner and personal finance manager.

Desktop iCalender application will appear at the top right hand corner of the screen in three windows. The first window functions as a calendar which display the days in the month; dates with events would be highlighted. The second window functions as an event calendar, event entry with date, time and activities can be added. The third window is the to-do list; it allows you to input tasks that you might plan to do in future. Overall, the interface is quite sleek and the application is easy to master.

The personal finance is an excellent program to manage your personal finance. You can create account for expenses and income like a credit card account, a cash account or a bank account. After that, you can create categories to group your entries; like a bills account to group up your utility and phone bills. Entries are classified as, income, expenses or transfers. Overall, the interface is very pleasant and the application is surprisingly easy to master.

Both applications are really fantastic and good news is that the trial period is unlimited!

*UPDATE: MSI Wind is fantastic and totally changed my laptop experience compared to my previous acer laptop. Wind is lighter at 1.2kg, sleeker design, wireless and bluetooth connectivity is excellent and not to mention it can start pretty fast! Excellent for any salesman who does not have myopia!

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